Financial Translations

How Even Simple Terms Can Create Complications in Legal Translations

Legal translations are challenging for a number of reasons, but perhaps one of the most critical is the need for the purpose, meaning, and actionable content of the translated document to accurately reflect the intentions of the original.  Due to cultural differences and variations in languages, a simple word-for-word decoding is insufficient and can result […]

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Challenges of Legal Equivalence in Translations

Translation of legal documentation requires a higher degree of experience and sophistication due to the nature of the work.  Errors in legal translation do not merely cause confusion as a poorly translated literary work would; these errors can create misunderstandings that result in improperly executed contracts or have severe consequences in court proceedings. One such […]

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8 Keys to Manage Foreign Documentation for Court Proceedings

In the United States, court proceedings are required to be held in English regardless of the native language spoken by either the plaintiff or the defendant. Managing a legal case involving foreign documentation does not need to be cumbersome work if you have a good process in place.  Here are a few recommendations from our […]

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Common English Phrase Translation Can Create Challenges

English is a language that can be difficult for even native speakers to learn to speak and write correctly, but have you ever considered some of the words and phrases that are particularly difficult to translate? While “gobbledygook” is not a word likely to turn up in a legal translation, this word meaning “jargon-filled language […]

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Don’t Let a Bad Translation Ruin Your Company

While it may be tempting to load a document into an online translation software program for a quick translation, these automated systems cannot provide you with the accuracy needed for business translation. Professional translators understand the precise meaning of words in the original language and provide an accurate match to the translated language.  This may […]

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Accurate Interpretation Can Alter the Course of a Person’s Life

The need for accurate translation services at our borders is so great that it can literally be the difference between life and death.  One of the issues the United States is dealing with right now is the lack of professional services for Guatemalan asylum seekers at the US/Mexico border. The Challenge In the not so […]

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Can Your Employer Enforce an Employment Agreement if You Didn’t Understand the Language?

The issue of whether or not a contract can be upheld when one of the parties doesn’t understand the language the contract is written in was the subject of Juan Morales v. Sun Constructors, Inc.  The final decision reflects the importance of having a professionally translated contract so all terms can be fully understood before […]

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