There are many situations where you may need to present a criminal record check as part of official business. For example, this type of documentation is common for international adoptions, applying for work overseas, and obtaining residency in a foreign country. It can be a challenge getting the proper documentation and then making sure it is accurately translated to the language of the recipient country. Here are a few tips to help you get a translated copy of your criminal record check.
Types of Criminal Record Checks
Before you launch into obtaining a criminal record check, it’s important to understand what kind of documentation you need. Carefully review the instructions provided to you, and discuss your questions with whomever you are working with to ensure you obtain the correct documentation.
Local Police Check. These are completed by your local police department. Sometimes they are referred to as a police clearance certificate. Upon request, they will conduct a local or state criminal records search. You’ll be provided with a report documenting your criminal history record or a statement that no records exist. Check with your local police department because sometimes they will require you to appear in person to request the search.
FBI Records Check. You can request this report from the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) division of the FBI. They will review information from local, state, federal, and international law enforcement agencies as well as the private sector, academia, and other government agencies to produce their report. The only person the FBI will provide this report to is the individual investigated. If you need an apostille or authenticated copy of the report, you must request it directly from the CJIS, and they will obtain it for you.
Official Fingerprint Card. If asked to provide your fingerprints, those can be obtained from a local police department or immigration office.
Do you need your criminal record check authenticated?
If your instructions require you to provide authentication, you will need to follow procedures directly with your local police department or the CJIS. The police department will add their official seal to the report, and then you will need to contact the Secretary of State to obtain an apostille or other authentication. The CJIS will prepare an FBI Certificate and obtain further authentication such as an apostille upon your request.
Always obtain authentication before having your records translated. The translated version will need to include the authentication.
Do you need a translated copy of your criminal record check?
First of all, it’s important you hire a professional to translate your criminal record check. Official documents like these often need to be translated in a format that is identical to the original. A professional experienced with the type of work you’re conducting will understand the requirements for your project best.
Next, you will likely need to provide a certified translation of your criminal record check. A certified translation is a translated document accompanied by a statement signed by the translator attesting to his or her linguistic competence and that the translation is complete and accurate.
At The Perfect Translation, we have highly experienced professionals who accurately translate criminal record checks and other documents for a wide variety of purposes. We are confident your official agency will accept the documents provided by our team. For example, we offer a 100% acceptance guarantee that our certified translations will be accepted upon submission to the USCIS. Learn more about professional language translation services at The Perfect Translation and then contact us for a free quote today!
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