Business Translation

Protect Your Company Against FCPA Violations

American businesses doing business internationally must comply with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).  This regulation was developed to prevent corrupt payments to foreign government officials and other individuals who could be influential to a foreign government.  The FCPA has two primary components:  anti-bribery provisions and accurate bookkeeping processes with adequate internal controls.  In short, […]

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New Venezuelan Humanitarian Parole Program Implemented

Beginning on October 18, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) began accepting applications for a new humanitarian parole program aimed to assist Venezuelans seeking to flee their country for safety and citizenship within the United States.  The Venezuelan humanitarian parole program was modeled on the successful United for Ukraine parole process and in cooperation […]

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What’s the Fastest Way to Get a Green Card?

There’s no easy way to successfully immigrate to the United States and gain citizenship, and every person seeking entry has different circumstances to consider.  Yet, some processes are more commonly used and can result in a shorter processing time than others.  If you’re looking for the fastest way to get a green card, it’s important […]

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How to Translate Legal Documents

There are many reasons why people need to have their legal documents translated.  Today, many companies are establishing business units across borders, requiring everything from employee documents to client contracts and marketing materials to be converted into multiple languages.  Of course, those hoping to immigrate to the United States must complete a rigorous application process […]

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5 Important Steps for Expanding Your Business Overseas

If your company is performing well, you may likely be considering expanding your business overseas to capture a larger market of consumers.  In today’s world, technology has made the world “smaller,” so working across borders can seem as easy as working across state lines.  However, there are a few things to contemplate and plan for […]

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What is a USCIS Certified Translation?

Those applying to immigrate to the United States must submit many documents that meet the requirements for a USCIS certified translation.  Essentially, this requirement ensures the accuracy of the translation with the certification of the translator’s qualifications to perform the work correctly.  You should know a few things about USCIS certified translations before you complete […]

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What is the USCIS?

You don’t have to search deep online for information about immigration before you find many references to the USCIS.  The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, or USCIS, is a division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.  Beginning in 1933, immigration processes were managed by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS); however, those responsibilities were […]

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How to Create a Translation Glossary

Translating a text from a source language (SL) to a target language (TL) can be very difficult when the subject matter contains legal material or proprietary information.  For legal translations, it’s best to start by developing a translation glossary.   A translation glossary is a compilation of specific terminology pertinent to the documentation with pre-approved translations […]

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Hurdles to Legal Immigration

When the media is filled with stories about undocumented immigrants, it causes many people to wonder why these individuals don’t complete the required paperwork to become legal U.S. citizens.  However, the truth is that becoming a citizen with a legal entry isn’t easy.  There are only a few ways people can legally immigrate to the […]

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Contract Translations and the CISG

Contract language is critical to the successful execution of commercial transactions.  For international transactions, there are additional challenges to consider when the languages of the parties to the contract differ.  Depending on the countries involved and the type of contract, many laws for language translation may apply, including the CISG. The United Nations Convention on […]

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